Challenges, Capacities, and Strategies for Religious Rapprochement in Naqshbandi order in Turkey

Document Type : علمی پژوهشی




The conflict between Islamic sects is one of the great challenges of the Islamic world that has hindered the unity of Muslims from the past to the present and has created many struggles. This research, which was compiled using a descriptive-analytical method, attempts to analyze the causes of divergence between Shiism and the followers of Naqshbandi order in Turkey, and presents solutions for rapprochement based on their common grounds. The findings show that Naqshbandi order in Turkey has an Iranian origin and the early works of this order were written in Persian in Anatolia; therefore, their historical memory of their historical identity is mixed with the culture of Iranian Islam. Naqshbandi sheikhs emphasize the love of the Ahl al-Bayt (P.B.U.T.) as one of the necessities of conduct, and some of them have written treatises on the good manners of the Imams (P.B.U.H.). Visiting the graves of the saints and seeking refuge in them are also among the foundations of Naqshbandi order and provide them with a close understanding of Shiism. An important challenge on the path to rapprochement between denominations is the insults, curses, and excommunication of historical figures, which, of course, are not devoid of religious prejudices and political motives. Based on some lived experiences, it seems that providing the possibility of the attendance of Naqshbandi sheikhs of Turkey in Iranian shrines, bilateral and respectful dialogues between scholars, and the prohibition of insulting the companions of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) could pave the way for rapprochement. Granting more freedom to Iranian Naqshbandis to establish tekyes and dhikr gatherings (special kinds of religious gatherings) is also a big step that will both affirm religious freedoms in Shiite Iran and prevent the unbridled spread of Salafism among Iranian Sunnis.


Main Subjects

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