Peer Review Process

Peer review process

Submitting the article by the author in the journal system including completing the authors' details, uploading the article according to the requested format of the journal and sending the authors’ statement and conflict of interest.

Formal and visual evaluation of the manuscript (in case the author has not followed the “Instructions for Authors”, the manuscript will be returned to him/her).

If the manuscript meets the journal’s criteria and regulations, it is sent to at least two reviewers who discuss the scientific value and competency for publication.

The results of reviews are discussed in the editorial board’s session and the final decision is made. Four outcomes are possible at this stage:

  1. If the manuscript is accepted by both reviewers and confirmed by the EB members, it will be accepted.
  2. If the manuscript is rejected by both reviewers, it does not go further steps and is returned to the author.
  3. If revision is requested by at least two reviewers, the manuscript will be returned to the author for revision.
  4. If the reviewers fail to reach an agreement, the manuscript will be sent to a third reviewer for further assessment.

The authors will be informed of the final decision of the editorial board members.

Authors whose manuscripts are accepted should pay online 6000000 IRR for editing and publication charges after receiving a message from the journal office.

The exact date of publication for accepted manuscripts depends on the number of confirmed manuscripts.

On average, the first review lasts less than 10 days. Final review will lasts three to five months. The review process is 4-5 months.

All the steps of assessing a manuscript are double blind.