Reviewers Guide

Guide to review an article

All respected reviewers of the journal when entering their profile for the first time are kindly asked to carefully complete their personal information, especially organizational affiliation, ORCID ID, area of research interest(s), as well as their bank account information.

Duties of Reviewers:

Acceptance of articles: The referees help the editor and members of the editorial board in making a decision to accept or reject the article and contribute to the improvement of their article by sending corrections to the authors.

Right of refusal: Any selected referee who feels unqualified to review the assigned manuscript or unable to provide a prompt review should notify the editor and excuse himself from the review process.

Confidentiality: Reviewers must respect the confidentiality of the evaluation process and must not disclose information about the article to anyone other than the editor without the written permission of the author.

No bias: Reviewers are expected to provide technical, professional, and objective comments on the manuscripts they are invited to review. Reviewers are expected to avoid personal biases in their comments and judgments.

Sources: The referees are required to identify and review the sources referred to by the author. Any conclusions or arguments that have already been raised should be cited along with the source. Also, the referees are obliged to inform the editor if they see any similarity or overlap between the submitted work and another article.

Conflict of interest: Judges should not use the information or ideas obtained during the evaluation process for personal gain. Also, referees should refuse to evaluate articles that, in their view, are subject to conflict of interests, including financial, organizational, personal shared interests, or any other connections or links with companies, institutions, or people related to the articles.

Registration of arbitration in the Web of Science database

Due to the integration of Pablones and Web of Science, from now on referees who wish to register their reviews in Pablones database can send the thank you email sent to after the refereeing is completed.