Investigating the Principles of Understanding Text according to Schleiermacher's Hermeneutics and Analyzing it Based on the Theoretical Principles of Classicism and Romanticism

Document Type : علمی پژوهشی


Department of Theology and Islamic Studies_Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Arak University.


Classical hermeneutics is an attempt to achieve how to read and understand the text by providing methodological principles and foundations. Schleiermacher is considered one of the prominent classical hermeneutists. Schleiermacher's most prominent role in the growth of hermeneutics is the transition from specialized hermeneutics and the formation of general rules and principles of interpretation, which are often derived from his contemporary literary discourses. This can provide valuable points for Islamic commentators. By studying Schleiermacher's hermeneutic theories in a descriptive and analytical way, this article seeks to answer the question, "what are the most important principles of Schleiermacher in the analysis and reading of the text?" and "how is it analyzed considering the teachings of classicism and romanticism?" The result is that Schleiermacher's influence from his contemporary literary schools has caused him to avoid inducing a one-dimensional approach to understanding the text and to use different literary discourses, such as classicist and romanticist discourses. Among the classicist principles of Schleiermacher's thinking are: centrality of the author, purposefulness of the meaning, the objectivity of the meaning, the trans-historicity of understanding, the methodology of understanding and the importance of linguistic rules. The romanticist principles of his thinking are: priority of author's individuality, priority of misunderstanding, inadequacy of linguistic rules, the impossibility of completely avoiding the influence of assumptions, possibility of attaining an understanding superior to the author's own understanding, and the human nature of the Bible's propositions.


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