Examining the Relationship between Thought and Action from the Viewpoint of Allameh Tabatabaei

Document Type : علمی پژوهشی


faculty of IRIP


This research seeks to explain the relationship between thought and action according to Allameh Tabatabaei. The aim is to clarify this important principle of practical wisdom from the viewpoint of this neo-Ṣadrian philosopher which, with descriptive and analytical method, analyzes his works, and in cases where there is no explicit discussion, reconstructs it based on the principles accepted by him. The conclusion is: from the perspective of Allameh Tabatabaei, knowledge is the origin of all human actions. Knowledge and action are existential matters, and as a result, the intensity of knowledge causes the intensity of action. There is a two-way interaction between thought and action. Putting a special emphasis on the concept of concern, Allameh has been able to connect the infallibility of the infallible and the realization of moral habits with the nature of knowledge.
The innovations of this search are as follows: organizing Allameh's scattered words in this discussion, finding four readings of the interaction process between thought and action, presenting an innovative interpretation of the effect of action on thought, completing Allameh's view with an existential approach and also involving the truth of conventional concepts, showing the consequences of this view in Humanities.


Main Subjects

Davidson، Donald (1980). Essays on Actions and Events. New York: Oxford University Press
Ginet، Carl (1990). On Action. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Goldman، Alvin Ira (1970). A Theory of Human Action. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Hornsby، Jennifer (1980). Actions. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Wittgenstein، Ludwig (1953). Philosophical Investigations. transl. Anscombe، G. E. M، oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
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