The Analysis of Perception and its Indication of Reality in the Thought of Mirza Javad Maleki Tabrizi

Document Type : علمی پژوهشی


1 Management Center of Khorasan Seminary

2 Hert settlement, phase 2, Fasilat St., next to Enayat 4


The problem of perception and its indication of reality is one of the most important issues among philosophers since the beginning of philosophical thinking. Mirza Javad Maleki Tabrizi is one of the thinkers and mystics who has expressed valuable opinions in this regard. Although at first glance, his views may be somewhat different from the famous epistemological theories, they enjoy features that are worthy of consideration from a scientific and technical point of view. Some of the exclusive features of his epistemological system are as follows: lack of full understanding of the realities of the natural world due to the errors in sensory perceptions, unity between the knower and the known, belief in the multiplicity of a single object of perception for different perceiving subjects, negation of the external existence for (material) bodies due to the multiplicity of perceptions from a single object of perception, taking all human perceptions to occur in the existential realm of the human soul, explaining perception as a factor for explaining the quality of the soul and not as an expression of the quality of the external object of perception, considering the quality of human perception to be dependent on the existential level of the knower.
Using these principles, Mirza denies the correspondence between mental object of perception and external object of perception and basically deems such a correspondence unnecessary.  This article aims to introduce and analyze the views of Mirza Javad Maleki Tabrizi about perception and it indication of reality.


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