The Disclosure of Happiness to Ṣadrian Human

Document Type : علمی پژوهشی


1 ferdowwsi

2 ferdowsi


One of the most important concerns of thinkers is ethical issues, the ultimate goal of which is human happiness. Among the teachings regarding happiness in Islamic moral philosophy, the approach of Ṣadr al-Muti'allihīn Shīrāzī is worth considering, because happiness, in his view, corresponds to the rational perception of existence. In this article, we aim to outline the structure of Mullā Ṣadrā's interpretation of happiness on the basis of the constructive foundations of his system of transcendent theosophy. In light of the results of this re-reading, the innovation of transcendent theosophy is manifested in the issue of happiness, which is "the discovery of the veiled nature of happiness for Ṣadrian human," an interpretation neglected in previous writings on Ṣadrā's happiness. With an analytical and exploratory approach and with referring to required principles from the transcendent theosophy, the author intends to form a philosophical framework which is shaped by the three branches of transcendent ontology, anthropology, and epistemology leading to the theory of "the manifestative nature of Ṣadrā's human happiness." According to this theory, happiness, from the perspective of transcendent philosophy, is not an acquired or accidental matter; rather, it is a disclosure, and a revelation of the inner perfections hidden in the human essence in an intensifying expressive movement.


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