Keyword Index


  • Beautiful Divine Names Examining the disagreement between Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra on unity and the conceptual differences of divine names and attributes [Volume 48, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 31-40]


  • Consistency Affirmative Ontology Study of Gilles Deleuze’s Principles of Affirmative Ontology among Pre-Kantian and Post-Kantian Philosophers [Volume 48, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 27-53]
  • Critique of methodologism A Critique of methodologism from the perspective of Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics [Volume 48, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 9-30]


  • Determining Grace Developments in the ‘Rule of Grace’ concept and referent in Shi‘ite theology [Volume 48, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 103-123]
  • Divine doctrinal knowledge Studying the Method of Religious Knowledge from the Viewpoint of Mīrzā Mahdī Iṣfahānī [Volume 48, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 67-96]
  • Divine Transcendence Comparing the Viewpoints of Qāḍī Sa‘īd Qummī and ‘Allāma Majlisī Concerning Essential and Attributive Unity [Volume 48, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 9-26]


  • Education Types and Techniques of Education from the Viewpoint of Ṣadr al-Mut’allihīn [Volume 48, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 125-137]


  • Frankfurtian counterexamples The relationship between free will and causal determinism in the views of analytic philosophers [Volume 48, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 85-102]


  • Gadamer A Critique of methodologism from the perspective of Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics [Volume 48, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 9-30]


  • Ibn ‘Arabī Critique of Mu’ayyid al-Dīn Jandī’s Theory on Ibn ‘Arabī’s being the Seal of the Saints of Allah (Khātam al-Awliyā) [Volume 48, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 109-123]
  • Imam Khomeini The necessity for the existence of the perfect man in the universe from the perspective of theoretical mysticism based on the ideas of Imam Khomeini [Volume 48, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 65-84]
  • Imam Mahdī (Aj.) Critique of Mu’ayyid al-Dīn Jandī’s Theory on Ibn ‘Arabī’s being the Seal of the Saints of Allah (Khātam al-Awliyā) [Volume 48, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 109-123]


  • Jandī Critique of Mu’ayyid al-Dīn Jandī’s Theory on Ibn ‘Arabī’s being the Seal of the Saints of Allah (Khātam al-Awliyā) [Volume 48, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 109-123]
  • John Hick The Problem of Evil from John Hick’s Viewpoint [Volume 48, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 41-63]
  • Justice An analysis of the nature of human practical faculty [Volume 48, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 125-150]


  • Knowledge Types and Techniques of Education from the Viewpoint of Ṣadr al-Mut’allihīn [Volume 48, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 125-137]


  • Mullā Ṣadrā Critical Review of Suhrawardī’s Proofs on Mentally Positedness of Existence with Reliance on Mullā Ṣadrā’s Principles [Volume 48, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 97-108]


  • Providing Grace Developments in the ‘Rule of Grace’ concept and referent in Shi‘ite theology [Volume 48, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 103-123]


  • Qāḍī Sa‘īd Qummī Comparing the Viewpoints of Qāḍī Sa‘īd Qummī and ‘Allāma Majlisī Concerning Essential and Attributive Unity [Volume 48, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 9-26]
  • Qayṣarī Critique of Mu’ayyid al-Dīn Jandī’s Theory on Ibn ‘Arabī’s being the Seal of the Saints of Allah (Khātam al-Awliyā) [Volume 48, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 109-123]


  • Suhrawardi Critical Review of Suhrawardī’s Proofs on Mentally Positedness of Existence with Reliance on Mullā Ṣadrā’s Principles [Volume 48, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 97-108]