Conceptual Metaphors Based on Nearness-Remoteness in Mullā Ṣadrā’s Philosophy

Document Type : علمی پژوهشی



According to the theory of conceptual metaphor, abstract concepts are understandable through the objective concepts within the framework of conceptual metaphors. Conceptual metaphors are found in everyday language and in scientific texts. The direction of nearness-remoteness in its literal meaning refers to the relationship between objects in the sensible world. Mullā Ṣadrā, however, has used this direction to describe metaphysical affairs. The application of nearness-remoteness to explain philosophical concepts and principles can be formalized within the framework of the theory of conceptual metaphor. Some conceptual metaphors related to nearness-remoteness in Mullā Ṣadrā’s works are as follows: the dispositional possibility as nearness to or remoteness from the actuality, the possibility as nearness to actuality and impossibility as remoteness from actuality, the creatures as things that are near to or remote from God, God as the nearest thing to any existent, perfecting and worshiping as becoming near toward the Divine Essence, the immediate cause as the near cause, the complete cause as the near cause and the incomplete cause as the remote cause, love and affection as nearness, and becoming similar as approaching.


Main Subjects

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