Intuition in Philosophy, Reasoning in Mysticism

Document Type : علمی پژوهشی



In his recognition of being and achievement of truth, man has two instruments in his constitution and two ways before him: intellect and heart; reasoning and intuition. Some have opted the way of reasoning and underestimated intuition because of its lack of reasoning, and some have preferred intuition over reasoning because of its being presential (intuitive). With their research on philosophy and mysticism, theosophists have been able to prove that the heart and intellect have a similar destination even though their methods are different and have regarded the difference between their findings to be in their strength and weakness. Thus, they have viewed reasoning and intuition as needful of one another, with the perfection of one being dependent upon the other; and also were able to set a firm foundation for recognition of being.
Keywords: recognition, reasoning, intuition, unity of existence, manifestation, autonomous existence, relational existence, absolute existence, necessity of being.