Religion and Moral Development in the Contemporary World

Document Type : علمی پژوهشی



Having provided instructions about three basic issues of God, universe, and man with prescriptions and instructions on certain moral values, religions constantly aim at a desirable moral development. In Islamic texts, and on top of them, in the Qur'an, the duty and mission assigned to the Prophets have been dyadic, which regard the two categories of teaching and morality (purification) to be the Prophets' mission. Purification and morality means inviting human beings to desirable developments and the indubitable and axiomatic mission of religion (Prophets). The question that the present research is intended to raise concerns the efficiency of the purpose of the above mission in the
world. With regard to its power of communication technology, the contemporary world has been transformed into a village, or as some say, a glass tower. The major characteristic of the glass world is the lack of borders and natural and political barriers between human beings and different cultures. Given such a characteristic, is it still possible to talk about the likelihood of the actualization of a moral development in the world today? The present article defends the efficiency of moral values in creating moral development with an emphasis on religious humanism (Islam).
Keywords: moral development, glass world, communications, moral values, religion.