Analysis of the Possibility of Heideggerian Artificial Intelligence in the Views of Hubert Dreyfus

Document Type : علمی پژوهشی


PhD student in Contemporary Philosophy, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin


With his phenomenological method taken from the teachings of Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty, Hubert Dreyfus critiques the two paradigms of artificial intelligence, namely symbolism and connectionism. He then approves a trend from the third paradigm of AI, namely artificial life, with special conditions. This trend is known as "Heideggerian AI". After a brief review of Dreyfus’s critiques of the first two paradigms of artificial intelligence, this article examines his final opinion on the possibility of accepting Heideggerian AI. According to the author, the possibility of Heideggerian artificial intelligence based on Dreyfus' theories can be demonstrated in at least three ways. These three approaches are presented as follows: The first approach is presented using the Daniel Susser’s approach and is based on interactionism. The second solution is expressed by citing John Searle and distinguishing between strong and weak artificial intelligence; the third explanation demonstrates how this is possible based on the doctrine of co-instantiation, inter-consciousness, intelligence, and intelligent behavior.


Main Subjects

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