religious,s hermenutic according to gadamer and habermas

Document Type : علمی پژوهشی




Hermeneutics is a newly-emerged field of knowledge in the West, which has affected many of the Western cultural realms and as an independent knowledge or technique has been able to achieve a special status in human field of thought in recent centuries. Nowadays, many eminent thinkers are engaged in deliberation and research in this field. In addition, in the twentieth century, hermeneutics has been able to extend its achievements to other fields of knowledge such as philosophy, theology, literary critique, social sciences, and philosophy of science and to lay foundation for new questions and discussions in those areas.
With the intention to present a brief portray of the nature of hermeneutics and the language of religion, the present article would study the viewpoints of Gadamar and Habermas on these two discourses.


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