Introduction of Foley’s Theory of Rationality and its Basic Criticisms

Document Type : علمی پژوهشی


Qum University


Contemporary philosophy is replete with various theories about rationality; however, the general concept of rationality is ambiguous. Through exploring into the renowned schools of epistemology and philosophy of science, Richard Foley finds out the purpose and perspective to be constant elements in all theories of rationality. The purpose is the entity needed or desired by the individual and can be either practical or theoretical. The perspective is a collection of ideas and its various types are determined in relation to the person or persons holding these ideas. Presuming the purpose-centeredness of the concept of rationality and negating the premium perspective, Foley undertakes to plan the theory of rationality and draws the conclusion that, depending upon the purposes and interests, rational evaluation is possible from various perspectives. Therefore, the rationality assumptions in reality have different topics and are not regarded as competitive. He deems as appropriate the provision of the comprehensive planning of rationality with the fulfilment of two requirements: inclusion of all the purposes and not presuming as premium the adopted perspective. The basic criticisms raised
against Foley are: relativism, non-defensiveness, instrumental look at rationality, and leniency.


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