Unity or Multiplicity of the Conception of Substantial Movement

Document Type : علمی پژوهشی


1 Shiraz University

2 Tabriz University


Substantial movement is one of the most important sides of the gnostic geometry of the transcendental philosophy. In this writing, the notional aspect of the discourse and the way the substantial movement is based on the principality of existence is discussed. Given the multiplicity of impressions from the principality of existence and the mentally-positedness (i‘tibāriyyat) of quiddity (māhiyyat), our conception of the substantial movement becomes multiplied. One exposition (taqrīr) of the substantial movement is formed by accepting the quiddity (māhiyyat) following existence (bi al-taba‘) and quiddity based on supposition that is actualized in the objective world via existence and the second exposition based on non-actualization of quiddity in the objective world, which in respect to both conception and the way they are based on the principality of existence, both expositions are ultimately challenged.


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