Love in Bhakti and Tasawwof in viewpoint of Ttwo famous thinker

Document Type : علمی پژوهشی


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Many have talked about love and lots of words have been spoken about love. Most of these words have been uttered in general terms, were repetitive, and of the same content. Nevertheless, there have been very few people who have spoken novel words about love and have accurately stated the details and mysteries of love. This article is intended to address the descriptions and features of Divine love from the viewpoint of two experienced authorities and masters in Divine love from two significant and impressive trends in two different communities: one from the Bakti mystical movement in Hinduism and the other from Sufism in Muslim world. First, a brief reference is made to the characters of these two authorities and then the important features and descriptions of love from their perspective are stated and a comparison is made between the two


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