Investigating the Impact of Transcendent Philosophy and Mullā Ṣadrā's Thoughts on Jurisprudence (tafaqquh)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Theology, Education and Islamic Education, Farhangian University, Bahnar Campus, Isfahan

2 Full Professor of Philosophy and Theology Department of Isfahan University


Theoretical wisdom and practical wisdom are like two wings for the development of the Islamic society. Today, practical wisdom is mostly manifested in jurisprudence. The duty of jurisprudence in the current approach is to infer religious injunctions from Islamic sources. In this article, the impact of Ṣadrā's transcendent philosophy on jurisprudence and the role of jurisprudence on the system of transcendent wisdom have been investigated. The main problem of this article is why there are some shortcomings in the popular jurisprudence, and in this regard, we have come to the conclusion that jurisprudence should not be separated from ontology. Theology should be the focus of jurisprudence, not a marginal and unimportant issue. In this regard, the main goal of the article is to show the impact of ontology (of transcendent philosophy) on jurisprudence. As a result, while explaining what the science of jurisprudence is, we will explain the source of reason and the implications of the centrality of reason as a common source of jurisprudence and philosophy and its definition in terms of jurisprudence and philosophy. The intended jurisprudence of transcendent philosophy has an existential goal in the individual and social sphere and emphasizes insight in religion and awe. In the transcendent system, jurisprudence is a subset of theology, and its definition and rulings are examined in this regard. In Ṣadrian system, jurisprudence, mysticism and philosophy are not separate from each other and all are layers and levels of religion. This can lead to the correct explanation of the scope of jurisprudence. Civilization-building and anti-tyranny jurisprudence is one of the characteristics of Ṣadrian jurisprudence. On the other hand, jurisprudence is also considered as a subset of individual and social practical wisdom, and Mullā Ṣadrā's explanation of practical wisdom is very effective in directing his jurisprudence. This approach accelerates the scientific development of the Islamic society and prevents some damages; as in the jurisprudence style of the contemporary Ṣadrian jurist - Imam Khomeini - this influence caused the growth of the Muslim community. At the end of this article, these effects have been shown more vividly in the form of Motahari's jurisprudential approach.


Main Subjects

قرآن کریم
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