Examining the Approach of the Holocaust Purporters in their Juridical Protection of the Massacred Jews

Document Type : علمی پژوهشی



The Zionist Jews have started widespread attempts and set up
extensive propagations in countries over the world in order to attach importance to the Holocaust. They believe that the massacre of the Jews and the occurrence of the Holocaust have been carried out by Nazi Germany through killing the Jews in gas chambers and then incinerating them. Furthermore, the Jews have taken numerous measures in terms of sanctification of the Holocaust and codification of legal penalties against those who refuse to accept it as real and raise questions about it.
An examination of the writings and comments of the Jewish commentators concerning the massacre of the Jews in the Second World War reveals a distinct contradiction between sanctification of the Holocaust, the massacred Jews, and their being regarded as sinful by the Jews. The Jewish commentators mainly believe that those massacred in the Second World War deserved Divine punishment for their disobedience to God and violation of Divine Law. In addition to this, some evidences indicate that if the Jews who are purported to have been imprisoned by the Germans waiting for death in gas chambers wanted to be released from their captivity, the Jews who claimed respect for those Jews and brought up legal guarantees for preserving their sanctity, not only did nothing to release them, but they may have impeded it as well. Examining the contradiction between sanctification of the massacred Jews on the one hand and regarding them as sinful and not helping their release during the Second World War on the
other, is the issue addressed in this article.
Keyword: Zionist Jews, the Holocaust, Divine punishment, supporters of the Jewish state, migration of the Jews.