Analysis of the Issue of Divine Favor in Mullā Ṣadrā’s Transcendental Philosophy

Document Type : علمی پژوهشی


Shahrekord University


The term Divine favor in Mullā Ṣadrā’s transcendental philosophy means Divine essential knowledge that is the origin of objective actualization of action and the best order. In addition, Divine knowledge is also considered as common between the essential and actual attributes. Therefore, Divine knowledge can be analyzed in terms of essential (Divine knowledge) and actual (the best order). The main questions raised in this article are as follows: First, if we analyze these two aspects of Divine favor, what problems in transcendental philosophy are they related to? Second, how do these two aspects of the meaning of Divine favor are proved in transcendental philosophy? What is obtained from the above analysis is that in view that the Divine favor is in relation with Divine knowledge, it is God-consciousness; and in view that it is in relation with the order of the world of being and its quality, it is a cosmological issue. Consequently, with regard to the relation of this issue to the Divine knowledge, the issue of the quality of Divine knowledge and its levels is proved through the argument of the ultimate simple; and with regard to its relation to the best order and the quality of the world of being as a system, this issue is explicated through the order of Divine actions and the stages of the order of being. This article is intended to analyze and review with the descriptive method the relation of these two aspects of Divine favor with the issues relevant to it in the philosophical system of transcendental philosophy.


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