Philosophical Aesthetic and Analysis of the Theory of Aestheticism in Purified (Muṭahhar) Wisdom

Document Type : علمی پژوهشی



Deliberation on beauty, like other categories of philosophy and humanities, is as old as over two thousand years, so as the ancient Greeks, as implied from Plato’s Greater Hippias and Aristotle’s Poetica treatises, had a significant role in its formation. Of course, application of the term "aesthetic" to these writing is not free from tolerance. However, the human thinkers' works and deliberations in aesthetic field cannot be ignored and their various profound viewpoints and theories neglected.
In this writing, it is tried to address this category from different aspects. To this end, first, a definition and explanation of beauty and its epistemic correlation with love is given in a mystico-philosophical approach, and then, an analysis of "aestheticism" is undertaken. Mullā Ṣadrā's transcendentalism concerning the role of beauty in creating love is another issue that is researched in this
Aesthetic in light of intellect, which indicates the topicality and authority of intellect in the field of ethical and philosophical aesthetic, is regarded as one of the pivotal issues of the present discussion. This research has in conclusion claimed with a mystico-empirical approach that beauty has a role in creating love and affection, and proceeded to prove this claim by making reference to some viewpoints and theories.
Keywords: beauty, aesthetic, purified wisdom, intellect, love, savoring (iltidhādh).