A Study of the Possibility of Access to the Author’s Intentions A Critique of the Hermeneutics of Anti-Intentionalism and the Theory of Author’s Death

Document Type : علمی پژوهشی



The famous theory in the field of textual meaning and interpretation is called “intentionalism” and on that basis, “the intention of the author of a work is in relation to the meaning of the work or its interpretation”. In recent years, a theory has been widely developed in contrast to the (above) famous theory, titled the theory of “anti-intentionalism”, or in its extreme form, the theory of “author’s death”. In this article, a number of reasons from among the most important reasons of anti-intentionalists versus intentionalists under the heading “non-access to the author’s intentions” are examined and with various evidences indicated that these reasons have no firm basis and that intentions in real sense of the word (phenomenological intentions) are accessible affairs.
Keywords: hermeneutics, intentionalism, anti-intentionalism, traditions, author’s intention, psychological intention, phenomenological intention.