Guide for Authors

Essays in Philosophy and Kalam only publishes articles which contain new and original findings concerning the subject of the quarterly. Editorial Board always welcomes contributions of professors, researchers, and the learned scholars. Researchers interested in publishing their papers are requested to note the following,

1. The Editorial Board will review only the articles that have not been published elsewhere and are not sent to other journals. Obviously, after approval, the right to publish the article is reserved to the journal.


2. The journal’s main language is Persian. However, in some cases, accepted papers in Arabic and English will also be published as per recognition by the Editorial Board.

3. Submitted papers should not exceed 25 pages. The main file of the article, together with the Persian and English abstracts, charts, tables, and indexes consisting of maximum 25 pages, typed and laid out in MS-Word 2007 mode with B Lotus fonts 13 (Persian), Arabic Typesetting fonts 18, or English Times New Roman 12. Double line spacing, paper size A4, margins top = 6.2, bottom = 5.9, left = 4.5, and right =.6 cm.


4. An abstract of 250 word (consisting of objectives, methods, and conclusions) in English and the original language of the paper, followed by keywords (4-6) is to be included.

5. Observance of Persian orthography approved by Persian Language and Literature Academy is necessary.

6. Editorial Board is authorized in scholarly and literary editing of the articles.

7. Latin form of the proper names, technical terms, and foreign compounds should be cited in numbered footnotes.

8. The author(s)'s full name, academic title, academic affiliation, mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address should be include in the title page.

9. Reference to the sources, containing the least information required to impart intention, should be included immediately after quotation in parenthesis within the text.
9. 1. What is meant by the least information is the author's name, issue number, page number or the current code of the source. If necessary, other information can be added from the source.
9. 2. As for the Latin sources, the author's name, and other information is required to be cited in Persian in parenthesis and its Latin form on the bottom of the same page.
9. 3. Notes containing further explanations as seemed necessary by the author should be cited in numbered footnotes on the same page. If a reference or a source is mentioned in the notes, the name of the author and the issue and the page number would be enough to cite and detailed specifications of the reference should be cited in the endnote list.

10. It is necessary to cite all bibliographical information in alphabetical order of the authors' last or most renowned name in endnotes. The format for full bibliography of the articles, books, reports, and other references are as follows:
10. 1. Articles: author's name, full title of the article (in inverted commas), name of the journal or article collection (in italic), volume, number, year of publication, the beginning and end page number of the article
10. 2. Books: author's name, title of the book (in italic), name of the translator, number of edition, name of publisher, place of publication, year of publication.
10. 3. Reports and other references: full and sufficient information is to be presented.