A Comparative Study of Human Will in the Philosophy of Spinoza and Ustād Muṭahharī

Document Type : علمی پژوهشی



This writing makes a comparison between the viewpoints of two Western and Islamic philosophers, Ustād Muṭahharī and Spinoza, concerning human will. Each one of these philosophers has presented views about human free will; the comparative study of these views can be influential in a deeper understanding of the
viewpoints of each one of these two. This research aims at clarifying the similarities and differences existing in their viewpoints concerning such question as: Is man really free? Does his will and freedom simply mean his power of choice? Is a sense of choice evident in him or is it a result of his ignorance and negligence of the reasons and factors affecting his actions? To what extent and limitation is man free?
These two philosophers have deep viewpoints in such important issues as intellect, freedom of man, human being, will, the relation of intellect and will, definition of determination and free choice, and the criterion for free choice, which are comparatively examined in the present article.
Keywords: intellect, cognition, freedom, spiritual freedom.