Affirmative Ontology Study of Gilles Deleuze’s Principles of Affirmative Ontology among Pre-Kantian and Post-Kantian Philosophers

Document Type : علمی پژوهشی


1 Allama Tabataba’i University, Tehran

2 Allama Tabatabai University, Tehran


Deleuze presents his ontology as a post-Kantian philosophy. The main concern of post-Kantian philosophy, from Solomon Maimon to Hegel, was to construct a new metaphysics after critique of Kant and elucidation of the creation of existence. Resorting to the metaphysics of Spinoza and Leibniz as well as the philosophy of Nietzsche, Deleuze founded a new ontology. This ontology, contrary to the Hegelian ontology that had based the creation of existence on a negative principle, explains this creation on an affirmative basis. According to Deleuze, there is a totally affirmative impression of existence with Spinoza and Nietzsche that can be used for founding a new ontology. Eventually, it is this same affirmative notion that founds both a new ontology and ethics.


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